2018 Impact Report

  Friend, Thirty years ago, a group of passionate individuals in Atlanta came together around three shared beliefs: that great parks improve well-being, have the power to strengthen communities, and … Continue Reading →

The Power of a Great Park

The Power of a Great Park from Park Pride on Vimeo. For almost 30 years, Park Pride has engaged communities to activate the power of parks, making communities: Healthier Safer … Continue Reading →

Making a Difference through Volunteering

“I’m a firm believer that we don’t have to leave our neighborhood to have something nice and enjoy something nice.
Without Park Pride, we wouldn’t have what we have today.” ~ Gwendolyn Stegall

Turning Park Dreams into Realities

“Having these grants [from Park Pride] and what we’ve done, it brings so many people to the park. So, really Park Pride, from the design, getting volunteers, helping us coordinate work days, and then the grant process… there’s no other group that does that.”  ~ Tom Branch, Friends of Frazier-Rowe Park