Since 1989, Park Pride is the only Atlanta-based nonprofit that provides programs and leadership to help communities realize their dreams for neighborhood parks.
We have partnered with more than 100 Friends of the Park groups to spearhead volunteer projects, community gardens, community-led park redesign, and to provideĀ grants for parks. Park Pride has helped investĀ millions of dollars for parkĀ improvements, supported over 250 park initiatives across the city, and worked with energetic neighborhood groups to plant over 20 community gardens.
Park Pride helps promote great parks that meet the needs, and reflect the unique character, of every community.
We believe an excellent park system improves the overall quality of life by promoting physical and mental health, reducing crime, cleaning the environment, strengthening social ties, and spurring economic growth. We are committed to providing programs, funding, and leadership to engage communities across Atlanta in developing and improving parks and greenspaces.
Parks are a vital part of the urban environment.
Atlanta is a city in constant motion, known for relentless traffic and non-stop development. Parks are a place for members of the community to gather, play, relax, enjoy the natural environment, and get away from the whirling bustle of city life. They provide numerous benefits to public health, economic development, environmental sustainability, and the long-term viability of the surrounding area. Parks are a common place for all members of the community to be together, and they help shape and define the character of a neighborhood. LearnĀ more about the power of parks.
Every park has unique characteristics that set it apart from other greenspaces.
Some parks offer robust programs and activities, play structures, trails, or other physical attributes. Others might showcase unusual types of plants and trees, and many parks provide sanctuary for birds, squirrels, and other animals. There are also parks that have yet to realize their full potential, and are desperately in need of care and attention. While every park is different, they all have an important common thread; the ability to serve as a catalyst for community and ecological enrichment. Learn how you can helpĀ keep our parks vibrant!