YOUR Input Needed on Park Designs for Mozley Park

The Mozley Park community is working with Park Pride on a vision plan for Mozley Park. Through the Park Visioning Ā process neighbors are examining their collective and current needs and desires for this beautiful park. The outcome of park visioning is a new, community-supported park vision plan that can be used for advocacy and fundraising.

YOUR Input Needed on Park Designs for Lang-Carson Park

The Reynoldstown community is working with Park Pride on a vision plan for Lang-Carson Park. Through the Park Visioning Ā process neighbors are examining their collective and current needs and desires for this beautiful park. The outcome of park visioning is a new, community-supported park vision plan that can be used for advocacy and fundraising.

Public Schools as Public Land

Imagine youā€™re a kid living in an apartment building in an area of town without access to a park. Where can you go outside to play thatā€™s safe? ā€œIf the answer is ā€˜nowhere,ā€™ā€ says Park Prideā€™s Executive Director, Michael Halicki, ā€œchances are youā€™ll just stay inside and play video games. We must do better for these kids, and thinking creatively about our public land is the answer.ā€

Vision Plan for Dekalb Memorial Park Complete!

Congratulations! Thanks to your input and feedback, the community-ledā€ÆPark Visioningā€Æ processā€ÆforĀ DeKalb Memorial Park, facilitated by Park Pride, has been completed.ā€ÆThe outcome is a new, community-supportedā€Ævisionā€Æplan, whichā€Æwas presented atā€Æthe Parkview Civic ā€¦ Continue Reading →

YOUR Input Needed on Park Designs for Needham Park

TheĀ Friends of Needham Park areĀ working with Park Pride on a vision plan forĀ Needham Park. Through theĀ Park VisioningĀ ā€Æprocess neighbors are examining their collective and current needs and desires for this small, ā€¦ Continue Reading →

YOUR Input Needed on Park Designs for DeKalb Memorial Park

TheĀ Parkview and Kirkwood communitiesĀ areĀ working with Park PrideĀ andā€Æother community organizationsĀ on a vision plan forĀ DeKalb Memorial Park. Through theĀ Park VisioningĀ ā€Æprocess neighbors are examining their collective and current needs and desires for this ā€¦ Continue Reading →