The Power of Parks

When I heard that Park Pride was celebrating Earth Day with a volunteer project at Zonolite Park, I immediately signed up. I’ve watched the park transform over the years, and … Continue Reading →

Nature: A Public Health Imperative

As Atlanta’s population grows and the urban environment is developed, our access to nature and greenspace is at risk. What would we lose if we lost our connection to nature? What would that mean for our health and quality of life? And what role do urban parks play in maintaining that connection?

Public Schools as Public Land

Imagine you’re a kid living in an apartment building in an area of town without access to a park. Where can you go outside to play that’s safe? “If the answer is ‘nowhere,’” says Park Pride’s Executive Director, Michael Halicki, “chances are you’ll just stay inside and play video games. We must do better for these kids, and thinking creatively about our public land is the answer.”

Helena Wright: The Joy of Parks

Say hello to Helena Wright, the Community Building  Intern with Park Pride this summer. From Newnan, Georgia, Helena is currently a student at Georgia Tech, majoring in Public Policy and minoring in Sustainable Cities and Technology & Management.”The joy parks bring is repaid in kind by the community caring for and maintaining the park.” – Helena Wright

Claire Weitnauer: Parks and Sustainability

Claire is the Communications and Development Intern with Park Pride this summer, and will soon be transitioning into her role as the Communications Fellow! Claire grew up in Decatur, Georgia and graduated from Davidson College where she majored in Psychology and minored in Environmental Studies.”Quality parks are an investment in the sustainability of communities.” – Claire Weitnauer

Ruth Pimentel: The Organizing Power of Parks

“Parks are often one of the only public spaces people feel ownership of, and that sense of ownership can be a powerful organizing force.” – Ruth Pimentel

Grace Raulet: Giving Back Through Parks

Say hello to Grace Raulet, one of Park Pride’s summer Visioning Interns ! Grace is currently a 3rd year Landscape Architecture student at the University of Georgia in the College of Environment and Design, with a minor in Spanish and a certificate in Urban and Metropolitan Studies.”Parks are an act of giving back to the earth by replenishing and protecting green spaces, instead of diminishing them” – Grace Raulet

Vision Plan for Dekalb Memorial Park Complete!

Congratulations! Thanks to your input and feedback, the community-led Park Visioning  process for DeKalb Memorial Park, facilitated by Park Pride, has been completed. The outcome is a new, community-supported vision plan, which was presented at the Parkview Civic … Continue Reading →

Jessica Hayhurst: The Mission for Great Parks

Welcome to Park Pride, Jessica! Jessica Hayhurst is the Special Events Intern with Park Pride this summer, and we are excited to have her join the team. Jessica is from Cartersville, GA and she graduated this May from Berry College where she majored in Public Relations.”From staff to donors, everyone [at Park Pride] is joined on the same mission to make Atlanta’s parks great, and it’s a team effort to get there.” -Jessica Hayhurst