Parks: Not Just Fun and Games

“While many of us have perhaps never thought of parks and recreation centers as critical infrastructure, that is, in fact, the exact the purpose for which they were originally created. While the modern idea of parks has become associated with playgrounds, baseball fields, and park benches, parks in America actually began as an initiative to improve public health during past pandemics and increase urban resiliency.” In this month’s contribution to the Saporta Report’s “People, Places, and Parks,” Executive Director, Michael Halicki shares the major lesson from the COVID-19 health crisis and that parks are not all just fun and games.

SOURCE: Saporta Report

Be Gone, Invasive Species!

This webinar is part of the Atlanta Community ToolBank’s “Tools, Tips, and Tricks” education series. During this informative class, Park Pride’s Volunteer Team, Chris Lemons and Victoria Burgos, presents on … Continue Reading →

#GreenYourSpace Photo Challenge

A greener city and planet starts at home! You know that access to greenspace is good for your mental and physical health. This Earth Day, Park Pride invites you to … Continue Reading →