May 20, 2020
- Park Pride has decided to postpone all volunteer events until further notice due to concerns surrounding the spread of COVID-19. We are in the process of evaluating volunteer procedures to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved. As generous volunteers, we hope you are finding meaningful ways to give back to your communities where it is most needed.
- We will continue to follow guidelines on social distancing and gathering and will let you know when services resume as “normal”! Virtual meetings will continue until further notice to provide support and services to Friends of the Park groups, donors, and anyone who cares about parks! Don’t hesitate to reach out to the appropriate staff member with questions.
April 27, 2020
- All Park Pride volunteer projects through May will be rescheduled. Adopt-the-Atlanta BeltLine projects have also been postponed. We will track unfolding developments to inform our decision on projects for projects in June and beyond. Please reach out to our volunteer team with questions.
- We will continue to follow guidelines on social distancing and gathering and will let you know when services resume as “normal”! Virtual meetings will continue until further notice to provide support and services to Friends of the Park groups, donors, and anyone who cares about parks! Don’t hesitate to reach out to the appropriate staff member with questions.
March 31, 2020
- All Park Pride volunteer projects through April will be rescheduled. We will track unfolding developments to inform our decision on projects beyond that date. Adopt-the-Atlanta BeltLine projects have also been postponed. Please reach out to our volunteer team with questions.
- We will be following established guidelines on social distancing and gathering and will let you know when services resume as “normal”! However, we are still available virtually to provide support and services to Friends of the Park groups, donors, and anyone who cares about parks! Don’t hesitate to reach out to the appropriate staff member with questions.
March 12, 2020
- Park Pride made the difficult decision to postpone our annual Parks and Greenspace Conference, The Nature of Our City, and the associated tours. Please save the new date on your calendar: Monday, August 17, 2020. Registration for both the conference and tours are open.
- All Park Pride volunteer projects through April 6 will be rescheduled. We will track unfolding developments to inform our decision on projects beyond that date. Adopt-the-Atlanta BeltLine projects have also been postponed. Please reach out to our volunteer team with questions.
- Through March 31, Park Pride staff will practice social distancing. However, we are still available to provide support and services to Friends of the Park groups, donors, and anyone who cares about parks! Don’t hesitate to reach out to the appropriate staff member with questions.