Plaid Palooza: Bringing the “Fun” to Fundraising!

Esther Stokes, Board member of Park Pride and of Historic Fourth Ward Park Conservancy

Historic Fourth Ward Park (H4WP) is one of the world’s great parks, receiving the Urban Land Institute’s Global Award of Excellence in 2013. Atlantans have come to love it and thousands have been drawn to live, work, and play in and around this incredible park.


People from around the region love to visit Historic Fourth Ward Park!


However, this 17-acre greenspace remains unfinished. Many spaces are unplanted while others have become overrun with growth.


Plaid Palooza volunteers will help to replant several sections of Historic Fourth Ward Park with native plants that can withstand strenuous conditions!


Plaid Palooza brings teams of volunteers together to make a difference within parks and raise funds for Park Pride. This year, their efforts will culminate in a fun-filled, competition-fueled workday in H4WP that will have a transformative impact. Afterwards, we’ll celebrate with a picnic, fun and games!


Photo Credit: Stok Photo


This will be a great day in the park and a historic start for Plaid Palooza. Sign up today and meet me in the park with your team of friends, family or colleagues on November 4th!

All the best,

~ Esther Stokes