2019 Highlights

Some highlights from 2019, Park Pride’s 30th year of impact and service.

Nature for All – Atlanta

With support from the Turner Foundation and in partnership with Trees Atlanta and the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance, Adriana Garcia, was hired to be Park Pride’s Nature Accessibility Advocate and champion an initiative called Nature for All – Atlanta.  

Decade in DeKalb!

In 2020, Park Pride, Friends of the Park groups, and DeKalb County were proud to celebrate a Decade in DeKalb and the accomplishments of the communities supported through capital improvements, volunteer engagement, and community building in DeKalb County parks!  

English Avenue Community Celebrates a New Park!

On November 21, 2019, Park Pride, alongside the English Avenue community, the City of Atlanta, The Conservation Fund, the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, and nearly 40 additional partners and funders, celebrated the long-awaited opening of Kathryn Johnston Memorial Park!