YOUR Input Matters in the Loridans Greenspace Vision Plan

Minimap of Loridans Park location

Do you live in North Buckhead and have an interest in parks? Are you concerned or excited about new parks in the area? Do you have ideas for how new parks and greenspace can be integrated into existing neighborhoods?

If so, we need to hear your voice!

Loridans Greenspace is North Buckhead’s newest park. Currently undeveloped, Loridans Greenspace is located on the southeast corner where Loridans Drive crosses 400, and it is owned by the City of Atlanta Department of Parks & Recreation.

Through a grant from Park Pride, our community has the opportunity to create a plan for what this space can become! The Visioning Process will result in a conceptual master plan reflecting what the community would like to see in this new neighborhood park. Your opinion is critical to the success of this unique space!

Some facts about the site:
The PATH 400 multiuse trail project will traverse GDOT right-of-way adjacent to Loridans Greenspace as part of its 5.2-mile journey from Sandy Springs down to the urban core of Buckhead, and eventually to the Atlanta BeltLine.

The North half of the site, located next to Loridans Drive, includes the historic Lowery-Stevens family cemetery. Dating from 1852, this is one the oldest family cemeteries in the city. The cemetery has not been maintained and is currently overgrown with invasive plants, though fieldstone markers and other evidence of graves remains visible on the forest floor in the Northeast corner.

The whole site is heavily wooded with early-succession trees such as pine, sweetgum, and tulip trees; with younger hickories and oaks beginning to grow up in the understory. The site also has its share of invasive species, in particular English ivy and privet. Topographically, the site slopes downward away from view of Loridans Drive before it flattens out into a plateau on its southern half. The backyards of seven single-family homes directly abut the property.

The Visioning Process will result in a conceptual master plan reflective of the community’s desires for what they would like to see in their neighborhood park. We see a chance to create a unique and beautiful space that will be a great amenity to the neighborhood for years to come.

Step 1:  Take the public survey.

This is the first step in the Park Visioning process. Click the link below and let your voice be heard!

Take the survey

Step 2: Attend a public meeting.

The Loridans Greenspace steering committee and Park Pride will be hosting a series of public meetings this summer to collect ideas and get input from neighbors on the future of Loridans Park through Park Pride’s Visioning Program. Mark your calendars for the public meeting dates below: