Park Pride’s Friends of the Park Program to Benefit from a Wells Fargo Grant

Download PDF Press Release Atlanta, GA, July 27, 2018 – Park Pride, the Atlanta-based nonprofit that engages communities to activate the power of parks, received a $10,000 grant from Wells Fargo to enhance the resources provided through the Friends of the Park (FOP) Program to increase citizen engagement in and education around neighborhood parks and … Continue Reading →

Parks and the Resilient City

  The 17th Annual Parks & Greenspace Conference, Parks and the Resilient City, explored how a robust park system contributes to the overall resilience of a city and ways we can make our park systems more resilient in the face of growing populations. Local experts and thought leaders from across the country challenged us to … Continue Reading →

Advancing the Power of Parks

Efforts to advance the power of parks are bearing fruit at the city, state, and national levels.   City Level At the city level, Park Pride and the “green shirt army” were active in the days leading up to the adoption of the FY 2019 budget by the Atlanta City Council. We’re happy to announce … Continue Reading →

Tips for Planning a Community Event in Your Park

Are you looking for opportunities to relax and have fun with your family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors? There are few spots around the city to host an event that are more scenic or affordable than our urban parks! Whether you’re planning a family reunion, a corporate retreat, or a neighborhood meetand-greet, hosting an event in … Continue Reading →

Friends Groups Celebrate Park Improvements

Friends of the Park groups across the city are celebrating transformational park improvements made possible by Park Pride grants. Our grants are generously funded by The Woodruff Foundation (Legacy Grants) and The Home Depot Foundation (Community Building and Small Change Grants) and are matched at least 1:1 by the community.   Sara J. Gonzalez Park … Continue Reading →

Welcoming Brookhaven and Tucker to the Parks Family

Word is spreading about the power of parks across the Atlanta area—thank you for raising your voice and sharing your passion for greenspace! As a result, both the City of Brookhaven and the City of Tucker have joined the Park Pride family. Prior to their incorporation as cities, Park Pride supported Friends of the Park … Continue Reading →

Why I Give: It’s Bigger than Parks

Park Pride makes communities feel proud of their parks. Park Pride brings terrific energy to local communities. They work to activate our shared, public spaces—making them work for the people who live there. That’s the true beauty behind Park Pride’s mission: it is so much bigger than parks. Park Pride unites people. When working with … Continue Reading →

Team Depot Gives Back at Washington Park

Thank you to The Home Depot’s Building Services team for volunteering in Washington Park on July 13! Your hard work to weed, pick up litter, and clear invasive helped beautify Washington Park. We appreciate you and your efforts to serve parks and the greener good! 7.13 Home Depot Volunteer Day at Washington Park from Park … Continue Reading →

Small Investments Make a BIG Impact

All too often, we are told that to make a difference we must “go big or go home.” However, thanks to the collective work of committed individuals, we’re proving that small, grassroots strategies to park improvements have a big impact within our greenspaces and communities. How, you ask? Consider the following graphs showing three years … Continue Reading →

Emma Nortje: Capturing the Power of Parks

  Meet Emma Nortje, this summer’s Communications and Development intern! She was born in South Africa, raised in Dunwoody, GA, and recently graduated from Georgia College and State University with a B.A. in Mass Communication. She also minored in Photography and Psychology and has worked on a few short film sets with a GCSU club called Bobcat Media Productions.  “Once … Continue Reading →