Turning Park Dreams into Realities

“Having these grants [from Park Pride] and what we’ve done, it brings so many people to the park. So, really Park Pride, from the design, getting volunteers, helping us coordinate work days, and then the grant process… there’s no other group that does that.”  ~ Tom Branch, Friends of Frazier-Rowe Park

A Partner to Rely On

“Parks live and breathe, and communities thrive where there are greenspaces and safe spaces for children to play and for communities to come together.”  ~Isabel González Whitaker Ten years ago, Isabel González Whitaker established the Friends of Sara J. González Memorial Park – a group working to improve a community park named for Isabel’s mother. … Continue Reading →

Parks are the Heart of Community

According to the great urban activist and influencer, Jane Jacobs, for a park to be successful, it must “be where life swirls”—it must be the conduit for cultural and artistic expression for individuals and communities, a catalyst for healthy living, accessible to all, and designed for all. A well-activated and well-loved park enhances quality of … Continue Reading →

How to Build Sustainable Trails

A natural surface trail is a fantastic addition to any park, especially those with forests. Natural trails are affordable, protect the ecosystem from destruction caused by the heavy machinery required to lay pavement, and are gentle on your knees!

bike blender

Ayanna Williams Departs Park Pride After 11 Years

  This fall, Ayanna Williams, Park Pride’s Director of Community Building, announced her departure from the organization after 11 years! It would be impossible to overstate Ayanna’s accomplishments with Park Pride. With a degree in social work and considerable community organizing experience, Ayanna made an impact from her first day. She expanded Park Pride’s “Friend … Continue Reading →

Give the Gift of Greenspace

Introducing Park Pride’s Tribute Cards! Truly the gift that keeps on giving, Park Pride’s Tribute Cards allow you to support Atlanta’s parks, greenspaces, and trails in honor of a friend, family member, or loved one. With your gift of $25 or more, Park Pride will send your choice of one of several park-themed cards to … Continue Reading →

Celebrating Community, Family, & Diversity at Sara J. González Park

The park, shaded by 100-year-old oak trees, was home only to a small, tired playground not fit for use by neighborhood children. Yet, Isabel saw potential; she imagined a new all-abilities playground, a soccer field, and an education nook. She dreamed of a space that would champion inclusivity of cultures, ages, and abilities.

Tips for a Stronger, Healthier Community

Parks can catalyze improvements in health and strengthen communities. When the Rev. James Orange Park received Park Pride’s Legacy Grant in 2012, it spurred additional city investment that resulted in a new pool, splash pad, and playground. The residents coalesced around a shared vision of safety, family-friendly amenities, and preservation of nature that resulted in both improved health outcomes and a stronger community.