I have a secret to tell. I’ve lived in Atlanta since 2005 and, this year, I rode a MARTA bus for the very first time.

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I have a secret to tell. I’ve lived in Atlanta since 2005 and, this year, I rode a MARTA bus for the very first time.
Park Pride is excited to welcome the incoming group of park champions who are joining its Board of Directors.
How can we make the playground at Thomasville Heights Park more accessible and welcoming for everyone?
Starting in September, these 12 community members will learn crucial skills to make their park the best it can be.
This summer, Park Pride is thrilled to welcome four full-time interns! Our interns will help support efforts across our Visioning and Community Services programs, getting hands-on experience in Atlanta’s parks and greenspace sector. They join us from universities across the state and beyond – including Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of … Continue Reading →
At Park Pride, we want great parks now … and in five years … and in five decades! We’re not only looking at the “right now,” but also considering the future of the green industry and actively helping bolster the next generation of environmental leaders.
Great parks aren’t “great” if they aren’t welcoming and accessible.
In this role, Alicia will help manage Park Pride’s finances and the Fiscal Sponsorship Program.
Great parks exist through the efforts of leaders who nurture the bond between parks and communities.
Joining as a Park Designer, Nick will work with Director of Park Visioning Andrew White to provide free, professional park design assistance to local community groups through our Park Visioning program.