Outdoor Play in Times of Crisis

Imagine you’re a child living through the COVID-19 pandemic in a home without a backyard in a neighborhood without a park? Where could you go outside to play and enjoy the fresh air that’s safe?

The lack of a neighborhood park is a reality for far too many Atlantans; approximately 28% according to the most recent Parkscore Ranking.

Theresa Casey, an internationally recognized expert on play, has spent years studying the experience of children in crisis situations (like that which we face today) and the vital role of outdoor play for healthy coping, learning, and childhood development.

Live from Edinburgh, Scotland, Theresa joined Park Pride’s October 2020 Roundtable to share her findings about the basic need to play, the mental and physiological benefits of play, and why outdoor play is essential for children.

View the Roundtable Recording


Theresa is the author of a brief, easy to read publication directed to “parents and careers” with practical advice on play in the time of COVID. The publication, entitled Play in Crisis, has been translated into multiple languages and is available for download from the International Play Association.


Thank you, Corporate Champions!

Park Pride’s Roundtable Series is made possible by the support of our Corporate Champions, a generous cohort of businesses who support parks and understand the role they play for the greener good of all residents. Thank you for all you do to support parks, communities, and Park Pride!