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With five weeks remaining until the November General Election, the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Amendment received the support of Governor Nathan Deal, members of the General Assembly and numerous business and community leaders at a campaign reception in Atlanta on October 2. The measure is constitutional amendment number one and if approved will dedicate a portion of the existing sales tax on sporting goods to the protection of Georgia’s waters and lands.
“Georgia is one of the nation’s most biologically diverse states and our economic success, beautiful landscapes and quality of life are closely tied to our state’s natural resources,” said Governor Deal. “By taking steps today to protect Georgia’s lands, air and waterways, we are keeping our environment healthy and sustainable for future generations. My administration has been committed to conservation and I was proud to sign the legislation that calls for this amendment. I hope the people of Georgia will support our state’s natural heritage and vote ‘yes’ for the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Amendment this November.”
The Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Amendment will create approximately $20 million in annual dedicating funding for a period of 10 years without raising taxes or creating new fees. Funds would only be used for projects consistent with the state’s established goals for conservation including the protection of lands critical to clean drinking water, support for the creation of parks and trails, and improvements to areas to hunt and fish. All projects will be reviewed by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, legislative leadership and a Board of Trustees consisting of state officials and appointed members of the public.
A coalition of leading conservation organizations is actively working to build support for the amendment with voters including The Conservation Fund, Georgia Conservancy, Georgia Wildlife Federation, The Nature Conservancy, Park Pride and The Trust for Public Land.
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