Tips for Solo Litter Cleanup in Parks

Whether solo or with your quarantine pod, picking up litter in your local park is a great way to get out and enjoy the benefits of greenspace while giving back to your community. Use the guidance below for a successful and rewarding outing!


Litter Cleanup Tips

Safety First - Mask Up!


A cloth or paper mask covering both your nose and mouth should be worn at all times while picking up litter in parks (or other public spaces)!


Wear Gloves - A Necessary Layer of Protection!


Don’t touch litter with your bare hands! Protective gloves should be worn at all times when picking up litter. While latex gloves are adequate, heftier garden gloves provide added protection against broken glass, nails, and the like.


Grab a Grabber


Trash grabbers provide an added layer of safety while collecting litter, and they’re also life savers for your back! They can be purchased at most hardware stores.


Dispose of Litter Appropriately


The bagged litter you’ve collected can be put into the park’s trash cans. However, if the trash is already overflowing, we encourage you to go the extra mile and dispose of the collected trash at home. Thank you!


Share Your Impact!

We want to hear from you and see all of the great work that you’re doing in your community! Share a photo of your day of service on social media, and make sure to tag @parkpride or use #parkpride.

More importantly, REPORT your service hours to Park Pride. Reporting allows Park Pride to track time and locations of volunteer efforts throughout the year to make sure that we’re distributing our efforts equitably and that all parks are receiving the TLC they need! These stats are also shared with funders and will help secure dollars to further support parks!

Report your hours to Torey Garret, a Park Pride Program Associate, at



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