42 events found.
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1 event,
Show Biffle Park Some Love!
Show Biffle Park Some Love!
Help the Friends of Biffle Park root out invasive plants that are killing the park's trees. Volunteers will remove English ivy and privet throughout the park, focusing on areas near the path and bridges. Please bring work gloves and water. The Friends group will provide tools. We appreciate your help in stewarding this beloved DeKalb … Continue Reading →
1 event,
Great Ivy Pull at Dearborn Park
Great Ivy Pull at Dearborn Park
Join the Friends of Dearborn Park for the 4th Annual Great Ivy Pull! Volunteers will help remove the invasive English ivy throughout the park. There will also be goats, prizes, art projects and snacks! Volunteers should bring any supplies they may have, including garden saws and clippers. Be sure to wear long pants and long-sleeve … Continue Reading →