Second Friday Walk in the Park – Herbert Greene Nature Preserve
July 11 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am

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Explore hidden gems with Park Pride! Join us on Friday, July 11 at 9 a.m. for a one-hour walk around Herbert Greene Nature Preserve!
Herbert Greene Nature Preserve is a lesser-known greenspace located just outside I-285. Surface outcrops of rounded, ancient boulders are found in the park, along with a strikingly beautiful section of Utoy Creek. More wildlife than is usual for an urban zone call this natural area home, including deer, river otter, and waterbirds including kingfisher, wood duck and great blue heron. This area includes a rich native forest, from rocky ridge to floodplain species including Swamp white, or basket, oak.
Come explore with us and the Friends of Herbert Greene! Bring your coffee and your walking shoes.