2020 Impact Report

  Friends,  Following the celebration of our 30th anniversary, we began 2020 with strong expectations and significant goals. Little did we know that March would bring about unexpected and unprecedented … Continue Reading →

Three Wins (and Three Cheers!) for Parks Heading into 2022

Typically, December is a time to reflect over the last year and take stock of what we have accomplished. But with three major wins for Atlanta parks occurring in the past few weeks, Park Pride is now fully focused on the opportunities that lie ahead! Check out Park Pride’s final contribution to Saporta Report in 2021, closing out the year by highlighting THREE MAJOR wins for parks!

SOURCE: Saporta Report

Invasive Plant Removal 101

The What and the Why of Invasive Plants When discussing invasive plant removal, we must first understand the what and the why before we get to the how. What are they and why should … Continue Reading →

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion through Schoolyard Improvements

Second grade students at Sarah Smith Elementary School’s Primary Campus have been working hard over the past year. Partnering with professional landscape architects at Park Pride and The Trust for Public Land, these young creatives have collaborated on a design process to create a mural that reflects and celebrates the school’s diversity and to select new site amenities that will be enjoyed by the surrounding community.

SOURCE: Saporta Report