A Partner to Rely On

“Parks live and breathe, and communities thrive where there are greenspaces and safe spaces for children to play and for communities to come together.”
 ~Isabel González Whitaker

Ten years ago, Isabel González Whitaker established the Friends of Sara J. González Memorial Park – a group working to improve a community park named for Isabel’s mother. Today, Isabel is utilizing the resources provided through Park Pride’s Friends of the Park Program to ensure that Sara J. González Memorial Park is a fitting tribute to her mother’s legacy, building the park upon a foundation of community, family, diversity and inclusion.

A Partner to Rely On from Park Pride on Vimeo.

Isabel is breathing new life into Sara J. González Park and building community along the way. Working with Park Pride, she endeavors to create an accessible space with amenities for every member of the community: an ADA-accessible playground, walking trails, a learning nook, a community plaza and a soccer field.

Park Pride connects Friends of the Park groups across Atlanta and DeKalb, like the Friends of Sara J. González Memorial Park, to resources that help them improve their quality of life and strengthen community bonds through park improvements.

Please join us in revitalizing community greenspaces for our friends, families and neighbors to enjoy with a gift to Park Pride!


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