YOUR Input Needed on Park Designs for South Atlanta Park

The Friends of South Atlanta Park and the South Atlanta Civic League are working with Park Pride through our Park Visioning process with the community to understand the current needs and desires for this beautiful, but underused, neighborhood park. The outcome of park visioning is a new, community-supported park master plan.

Three public meetings have been held to articulate goals and general park preferences of the community, and two draft concept plans were presented at the Civic League’s annual Christmas Potluck on December 4th. Park Pride and the Friends of South Atlanta Park are now working toward a final vision plan to be presented at Price Middle School on Monday, February 12.

Will you give your input and ideas to make the
park’s concept plan the best that it can be?

Park Pride’s vision plans are great tools that communities can use to fundraise and advocate for positive change in their parks. Our vision plans demonstrate broad community support for the proposed improvements, which is fundamental for attracting investment and initiating successful park redevelopment.

Concept 1

Click here to review a high resolution pdf. 


Concept 1 focuses on active recreation in the park, and includes:

  • Brick plaza/festival area with access controlled by removable bollards
  • A new parking lot near the west side of the park
  • Streetscape improvements on Gammon St, including a speed bump
  • A flat lawn space with a covered walkway that has solar panels
  • New children’s playground
  • Two full-sized basketball courts in place of the three tennis courts
  • Bocce courts
  • Walking paths
  • Additional shelters for barbeques
  • A paved multi-use trail that connects to the BeltLine and Lakewood Amphitheatre
  • New entrances from The Villages at Carver, Bisbee Ave, Martin Ave, and the western end of Gammon
  • Granite seating set into the hillside overlooking a lawn stage
  • Green infrastructure along Bisbee to help relieve flooding
  • An open lawn at the south end of the park bordered by small flowering trees and benches

Concept 2

Click here to review a high resolution pdf. 


Concept 2 aspires to recreate a campus quad atmosphere in keeping with the park’s rich history as a place of learning, and includes:

  • A “quad” space lined with a series of shelters along each side
  • Two full-sized basketball courts in place of the three tennis courts
  • Streetscape improvements on Gammon St, including a crosswalk
  • A paved multi-use trail that connects to the BeltLine and Lakewood Amphitheatre
  • New children’s playground
  • Walking paths
  • A dog park in place of the existing ropes course
  • A new parking lot off Bisbee Ave
  • New entrances from The Villages at Carver, Bisbee Ave, Martin Ave, and the western end of Gammon
  • New housing is proposed fronting the south end of the park by extending Bisbee and Thayer to create a new block of housing

Provide Feedback

Review both concepts carefully and then give feedback through the survey below. Survey will be accepting responses through Friday, January 26.




Thank you!