The North Buckhead community is working with Park Pride and other community organizations on a vision plan for Loridans Greenspace. Through the Park Visioning process neighbors are examining their collective and current needs and desires for this beautiful park along PATH 400. The outcome of park visioning is a new, community-supported park vision plan that can be used for advocacy and fundraising.
Thank you to all in the North Buckhead Community who reviewed preliminary plans for Loridans Greenspace. Concept plans were presented to the public on September 11 at St. James United Methodist Church. Steering Committee members, as well as the Visioning Team from Park Pride, were on hand to answer questions and listen to ideas, thoughts, and opinions. We got 21 feedback forms and are well on our way to creating a vision plan that reflects the community’s wishes.
For those who were not able to stop by, we are publishing the plans here and asking for your input!
Will you give your input and ideas to make the
park’s concept plan the best that it can be?
Park Pride’s vision plans are detailed tools that communities can use to fundraise and advocate for positive change in their parks. Because of the community input that goes into the visioning process, a vision plan reflects broad community consensus for the proposed improvements. Once we receive feedback on specific elements in each plan, we will create a Final Vision Plan that includes elements from both concepts.
Both plans include:
- Preservation of a healthy tree canopy while clearing invasive species and opening the understory for clear sightlines on the western and northern edges of the park
- Investigation, restoration, and interpretation of the historic cemetery
- Elevated crosswalk with rapid flash beacons to facilitate safe crossing over Loridans Drive
- New sidewalk along the south side of Loridans Drive
- No parking
- Aesthetic treatment of the existing GA-400 soundwall
- Resting points along PATH 400 with seating, bicycle parking, and drinking fountains
- Dense evergreen buffer along the eastern and southern edges of the park to enhance the privacy of the neighbors
Concept 1:

Details of Concept 1 include:
- One main park entrance at northwest corner of park with pergola, seating, and welcome sign
- Wrought iron perimeter fence around cemetery with stone plaza threshold including a commemorative marker
- Full public pedestrian access to cemetery
- Slightly more extensive network of soft-surface nature trails
- Egg-shaped open lawn bisected by PATH 400
- Sculptural play area with unique and playable interactive art
- Vines on the soundwall
- Boulder-lined rain garden
Concept 2:

Details of Concept 2 include:
- Two park entrances: one at the northwest corner and the second directly leading to the cemetery a little way down Loridans
- A second direct access to the cemetery further inside the park off PATH 400
- Wooden splitrail perimeter fence with restricted pedestrian access
- Shorter nature trail loop with low fence along outer edge to keep people on path
- Smaller circular lawn space and seating ring a short distance from PATH 400
- Mountain bike training course for small children
- Artistic treatment of soundwall
Provide Feedback:
Review both concepts carefully and then give feedback through the survey below.
Survey will be accepting responses through Wednesday, September 26.