Board of Directors

Overseeing the Vision

The achievements of Park Pride would not be possible without the tremendous dedication of a Board of Directors committed to the vision we have set forth.

Executive Committee

Omari Henderson
Board Chair

Jeff Ellman
Vice Chair
Jones Day

Cynthia Searcy
Georgia State University

Randall Kent
Community Volunteer

Alex Brown
Alston & Bird LLP

Kristy Rachal
At-Large, Past Chair
Georgia Power

Susan Stainback
Sylvatica Studio


Board Directors

Judy Adler
Georgia Environmental Finance Authority

Rae-Anne Alves
Ernst & Young

Annie Appleton
Sartain Lanier Family Foundation

Erik Brecheisen
Delta Air Lines

Wesley Brooks
Georgia Department of Community Affairs

Dontá Council
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Glianny Fagundo
Thompson Hine LLP

Eden Godbee

Jennifer Ide

Vaughn Marshall
Cox Communications

Natali Mayo
Lazer Logistics

Atiba Mbiwan
The Zeist Foundation

Shola Oni
Bank of America

Stacy Patton
PATH Foundation

Pedro Pavón

Amanda Puché

Maggie Reeves
Urban Institute

Christina Rios
CDC Foundation

Suzanne Sackleh
Community Volunteer

Reynolds Salerno
Centers for Disease Control

Steve Sanchez

Aaron Watson
Attache Public Affairs

Mironda Williams, M.D.
MD Wellspring, Peachtree City OB/GYN

Honorary Directors

Tally Sweat
Founding Board Chair

Justin Cutler
Commissioner, City of Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation