Park Visioning Application – DeKalb County I have read and understand the inclusive nature of the visioning process and limitations of a vision plan.* Yes I understand that park visioning is a process during which all neighbors and park users will be solicited for their opinions in an unbiased way, without predetermined outcomes.* Yes I understand that Park Pride’s landscape architects have a professional responsibility to make recommendations that are in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare; that are informed by accepted industry best practices; and that align with applicable standards and laws.* Yes I understand that the steering committee must include diverse perspectives and reflect the demographics of the neighborhood. I understand that no one may be purposely excluded from participating, nor may any one group be over-represented on the steering committee.* Yes I understand that Park Pride may request and/or conduct expanded outreach for potential steering committee members after conducting an interview or approving the park for visioning.* Yes Park InformationPlease complete this section with the information of the park to be considered for the Park Visioning Program.Park Name*Park Address (or key intersection)* Street Address City Commission District + County Commissioner*In which Commission District does this park belong? Who is the County Commissioner for this park? District 1 - Robert PatrickDistrict 2 - Michelle Long SpearsDistrict 3 - Larry JohnsonDistrict 4 - Steve BradshawDistrict 5 - Mereda Davis JohnsonSuper District + Super District Commissioner*In which Super District does this park belong? Who is the Super District Commissioner for this park? District 6 - Edward TerryDistrict 7 - Lorraine Cochran-JohnsonApplicant InformationPlease enter your personal contact information in the fields below.Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email* Briefly describe your relationship with the park(s).*Are you a community member, Friends of the Park group member, etc.Does this park have a Friends of the Park group registered with Park Pride?* Yes, we are registered already. No, please send me information on how to register. Please provide names and contact information for a minimum of FOUR potential Steering Committee members.*Proposed steering committee members should represent diverse points of view. If selected for visioning, Park Pride may ask the applicant at any time to expand outreach and/or reorganize the steering committee. Describe your group's history of working to improve the park (s).*What do you hope to gain from the visioning process?*Are there ongoing or pending initiatives that might influence the timing of a visioning?*(for example: construction projects, nearby developments, etc.)Are you aware of any previous planning efforts that have taken place in this park? If so, please describe who made the plans and what, if any, progress has been made toward implementing the plans.*Discuss any challenges, concerns or competing interests the community is facing related to the park.*Is there anything we haven’t asked that you would like for us to know as we consider your application?*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.