Grant Final Report

Grant Final Report

Final Report for Small Change, Activation, and Park Pride Grants

If you're not sure, just put park name and the year your grant was awarded.
What has been completed to date? Are there any phases or steps of the project that are still in progress or have yet to begin? Have you experienced any challenges in implementing the project? Did you have to make any changes to the budget or final outcome?
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Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 10.
    How has the project impacted the community and park users? Have you noticed people using the park differently? New people using the park or the features of the project?
    Did you learn anything new as a Friends group? What skills did you hone? How did this project improve your ability to work with the community?
    Describe any upcoming milestones (ie. ribbon cuttings or celebrations), next phases, or new projects you intend to pursue as a result of this grant.