35 events found.
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When children spend time outdoors, they are healthier, happier and more successful in school. But over the past few generations, childhood has moved indoors, disconnected from the natural world. The Inside-Out International Conference and year-round Leadership Series events bring children and nature leaders together for networking, workshops, special events and a world-class conference hosted by … Continue Reading →
Every season, Park Pride hosts community leaders and park advocates from throughout Atlanta and DeKalb County for education, networking, and strategy. Join us this month for our virtual Park Meeting as we hear from experts on how to blend learning, fundraising, exercise to bring attention and care to the flora and fauna of our community's … Continue Reading →
Bring it Outside! Family Festival is a free event for Atlanta-area families featuring family-friendly hikes within the park, nature crafts, free outdoor gear, bilingual games and activities, a lending library that helps families try baby backpacks, slings and other “baby-wearing” options, and more. You're invited to connect and have fun outdoors! Bring it Outside events … Continue Reading →
Attendance at a Park Pride grant info session is mandatory for Friends of the Park groups interested in applying for a grant for a project of $10,000 or more for the 2023 grant cycle. Attendees will walk through Park Pride’s grant application forms step-by-step, discussing all of the requirements needed to submit a complete application. … Continue Reading →