Park Pride Grant Application Park Pride Grant Application Use this form to submit an application for a Park Pride Grant. 1Applicant Information2Project Information3Budget Information4Supporting Documentation Park Name*Name of Friends of the Park Group/Applicant Organization*Name of Person Submitting the Application* First Last Email* Names of other Friends of the Park group members participating in the grant process:0 of 1000 max charactersPark Location*City of AtlantaDeKalb CountyPlease select the jurisdiction of your park. Project Budget*Overall budget for your project.Grant Request*Usually the amount recommended by the committee. Demographic Information*0 of 1000 max charactersPlease briefly describe the demographics of your community and the park users (i.e. race, gender, age, socioeconomic status).Statement of Need*0 of 750 max charactersPlease briefly describe the need for your project in 1-2 sentences. (Ex: “Playground equipment is unsafe and unsuitable for young children, so families drive to a park outside our neighborhood to play.”)Project Summary*0 of 1250 max charactersPlease briefly describe the project (3-4 sentences) and how it meets the need described above (Ex: “Aging playground equipment will be replaced with elements that cater to children aged 0-5, 5-8, and 8-12 to accommodate neighborhood families as they grow. Additionally, new drainage will be installed to prevent flooding.”)Detailed Project Description*0 of 2500 max charactersInclude detailed location, construction plans, materials detail or product specifications for amenities, and any other important information pertaining to the project. Planning Documents Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB. Please upload any planning documents (drawings, renderings, Vision/Master Plans, etc.) that may help you clarify or illustrate your project description above.Project Value & Impact*0 of 2500 max charactersWhy is this project important to your community?Community Engagement*0 of 3500 max charactersBriefly describe the history of your Friends Group (when your Friends Group formed, if you completed a Vision/Master Plan, if you have completed previous grants). Describe the community engagement completed and planned around this project (public meetings, surveys, events, etc.).Project Timeline*0 of 2000 max charactersInclude projected construction start date, projected completion date, fundraising target dates, project milestones, etc. Application Budget Form* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: xls, pdf, xlsx, Max. file size: 50 MB. You can access the application budget form here: field is hidden when viewing the formApplication Budget Form*Accepted file types: xls, pdf, xlsx, Max. file size: 50 MB.You can access the application budget form here: Estimates Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 50 MB. Include any contractor or vendor quotes, amenity pricing, etc. that support your project budget.Public Matching Fund Commitments Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB. If your project has public matching funds (from a DeKalb County Commissioner, City Council Member, government agency, etc.) please upload documentation of this funding commitment.Fundraising PlanIf your park does not qualify for a non-matching grant, please provide details on how you plan to secure any additional matching funds that are not yet in hand. Your matching funds must equal or exceed your request from Park Pride. The more willing to invest in this project your community is, the more willing we will be! Before Photos Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB. Please upload "before" photos of your project in JPG format (minimum 300dpi, 600+preferred). In your final report, you will be asked to take "after" photos from the same view/perspective.This field is hidden when viewing the formLand Owner Letter of SupportAccepted file types: doc, pdf, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.Please upload your letter of support from the City of Atlanta or DeKalb County. If your group presented at a Park Design Review meeting in the City of Atlanta, but have not yet received your letter, you MUST submit when it is received to Owner Letter of Support Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: doc, pdf, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB. Please upload your letter of support from the City of Atlanta or DeKalb County. If your group presented at a Park Design Review meeting in the City of Atlanta, but have not yet received your letter, you MUST submit when it is received to Letters of Support* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB. Recommended letters include (but are not limited to) your Friends of the Park group, local neighborhood associations, NPU (Atlanta), City Council Representative (Atlanta), and County Commissioner (DeKalb). You can access a template for a community letter of support here: field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.