Parks: The Key to Atlantans’ Happiness

Parks are for everyone! It may sound like an obvious statement, but too often beautiful parks are seen as a perk of living in an affluent neighborhood.

Park Pride believes that all people, regardless of economic status, deserve to have access to the well-documented health and wellness benefits associated with living near a park or greenspace. What’s more, we know that great parks—parks that are active and loved by neighbors—make people happy and communities strong.

Observe Signs of the Season in Atlanta’s Parks

Fall is a time generally associated with winding down. However, if you’ve been to any of the five fledgling pollinator gardens in Atlanta’s parks*, you might have noticed a surprising amount of gearing up. Pollinators and other animals know that fall is no time to lounge around. Winter is coming! Pantries must be stocked and bodies fortified—for a long journey southward for those that migrate, or for wintering in place for our resident species.

How Small Actions Make a BIG Difference in Parks!

You might think that making a significant impact to your park and community requires an equally large personal commitment of time and energy. However, in as little time as it takes to make a phone call or plan a fun outing for your friends and family, you can make your park a better place.   … Continue Reading →

bike blender

Ayanna Williams: Celebrating 10 Years at Park Pride!

It would be impossible to overstate Ayanna’s accomplishments with Park Pride in her 10 years as the Director of Community Building. With a degree in social work and considerable community organizing experience, Ayanna made an impact from her first day. She expanded Park Pride’s “Friend Raising” efforts and created our signature Friends of the Park … Continue Reading →

Plaid Palooza: Raising the Bar for Parks

The countdown is on! It’s hard to believe that we are only four and a half weeks away from the very first Plaid Palooza! I am thrilled to participate in Park Pride’s event on November 4th because it’s a unique opportunity that incorporates: fundraising for a cause I believe in, service to my city, and … Continue Reading →

Ormond-Grant Park Matters

Ormond-Grant Park, just south of Memorial Drive on Atlanta’s East side, was once a very different and scary place. But donors and park enthusiasts, like you, helped change that. Neighbors remember the park as a bleak corner of the neighborhood. Every time it rained, the park flooded, creating an impassible muddy swamp bordering the playground. … Continue Reading →

Grove Park Community Garden Matters

“My park matters because it provides a public space for community members have access to activities that they wouldn’t be able to do at their homes.” ~Harry Clements Harry Clements is the volunteer manager of Grove Park Community Garden in northwest Atlanta. The Grove Park neighborhood is a food desert, with the closest fully-stocked grocery … Continue Reading →

Give Your Input on the N.H. Scott Park Visioning Plan!

The Friends of N.H. Scott Park & Recreation Center are working with Park Pride through our Park Visioning process with the community to understand and current needs and desires for this beloved neighborhood park. The outcome of park visioning is a new, community-supported park master plan.

Park Pride’s Friends of the Park Groups to Benefit from a Wells Fargo Grant

Atlanta, GA, September 7, 2017 – Park Pride, the only Atlanta-based nonprofit that engages communities to activate the power of parks, received a $7,500 grant from Wells Fargo to increase and expand the resources provided through the Friends of the Park (FOP) Program to increase citizen engagement in neighborhood parks.

I’m Volunteering to Bring Great Parks to Life!

There is so much work to be done in parks across the city, which is why I’m organizing a fundraising and volunteer team for Plaid Palooza on November 4th. At Plaid Palooza, I will work with 200 volunteers at Historic Fourth Ward Park on projects that will complete part of the park’s master plan. Meanwhile, the funds my team and I raise will benefit Park Pride programs that make it possible for neighbors to bring great parks to life in their communities.